Homepage of Johannes de Vries

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...                                                    The personal page
     If you play with the idea to make a private homepage of your own, then you have to think about the problem how much of your
     private data you wish to make public. I think one cannot get into connection with other people without giving any personal
     information. So I searched for a  way to hit the happy mean. 


That's me and (sometimes) 
my brother Hero
                                                                                                               My parents house in Norden Ostfriesland (at about 1940)  

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I was born 1938 in Norden Ostfriesland, in the very north-western part of  Lower Saxony, Germany. 
In spite of the very negative accompaniments and consequences of the Second World War I had, together with my two brothers and many good friends, an eventful and nice childhood there.
My mother and my father made it possible to get every day something eatable on the table in order to let as not feel to much oft the poor and scanty time. 
My full respect to them again!

Professionelly I spent most of my lifetime in the duties of the North German Broadcast (NDR) for Lower Saxony, Hannover in the maintenance-department for audio- and television production.

My hobbies are:  classical music, chess playing, computer technics, taking pictures and image processing.

A very interesting change during my normal and monotonous live was a job in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, East Africa, with Radio Voice of the Gospel, a radio station of the Lutheran World Federation Geneva, for a period of three years (1965 - 1968).
There I helped young Ethiopians with the education towards production - technicians. This was my portion on economic aid to developing countries. 
Hier are some pictures from that nice time in Ethiopia..



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